Novice and experienced counselors alike too often ignore this process for understanding and explaining a client’s presenting issues and guiding the counseling process.
A potentially dangerous drug found in most over-the-counter cough medicines is more popular than opioids among teenagers, largely because it is legal, inexpensive and easy to obtain.
Welsh psychologist created a formula combining factors such as weather, holiday debt, the amount of time elapsed since Christmas & the likelihood of already-abandoned New Year’s resolutions to determine the most depressing day of the year: “Blue Monday.”
When working with individuals who have experienced either “small t” or “large T” trauma, it is essential to engage them in action-based responses that provide a healing alternative to the fight, flight or freeze reaction.
The U.S. national elections are set to serve as a proxy for the country’s stance on climate change, universal health care, racism, police brutality and democracy. The maelstrom of events that is 2020 has brought everything to the forefront in Technicolor.
Counselors in the quiet university town of Charlottesville, Virginia, noticed that some of their clients were anxious about their safety. In spring 2017, demonstrations & counter protests at local Civil War monuments had become heated and confrontational.
Veteran counseling professionals tackle a dozen of the most frequently voiced questions from novice counselors pertaining to navigating career options.
Existential-humanistic psychotherapy can be a helpful method for counselors to guide clients through the many stages of their COVID-19 journey.
Some of the most rapid increases in temperature are being experienced in the Circumpolar North. Overall, the average global temperature has increased by 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1880.
Counselors can help clients heal from racial trauma and take steps to intervene in the racist systems that negatively affect the mental health of Black Americans.
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