
ÀÖ²©´«Ã½Webinar Explains Congressional Budget Process and School Counseling Funds

Jul 25, 2017

Two months ago ÀÖ²©´«Ã½hosted a webinar for those interested in the federal budget process, specifically the President's budget and its effect on school counsling funds.  Remarkablty, very little has changed in the budget process since then.  Neither the House nor the Senate has passed their budgets for fiscal year 2018.  The House is closer but differences in spending priorities have prevented any final agreement.  House and Senate committees have begun writing the spending bills that flesh out the budget but that oveall framework has not been completed and spending levels have not been decided.  Therefore, ACA's budget webinar is still relevant and you can watch it .  (No signing up, just play it.)

Over one-hundlred ÀÖ²©´«Ã½members were on Capitol Hill last week advocating for increased spending on school counseling grant programs.  Keep an eye on this blog for updates on the budget process in general and school counseling funds in particular.