
Haiti Earthquake

Jan 13, 2010

"Unless you're in a search-and-rescue team or a medical team, the best thing you can do is give money for food, water, shelter and first aid supplies. Those are the things we need."

Former President Bill Clinton
U.N. special envoy for Haiti

ֲýexpresses our concern for those affected by the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. We are monitoring the need for ֲýmembers who are certified Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Volunteers and will put out a call for deployment if requested to do so by the Red Cross.


The ֲýFoundation, through its Counselors Care program, is accepting donations to assist counselors in providing services to family members of Haitians directly impacted by the earthquake in Haiti.  This program was originally established during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to assist ֲýmembers in the Gulf Coast region re-establish their practices following that disaster. 

This particular fund has since been expanded to include ֲýmembers who are addressing the needs of relatives of individuals directly impacted by disasters.  Many of these family members live in the US and are extremely concerned about their family members in Haiti.  As these clients seek help in dealing with their frustrations of not knowing about the condition or even survival of their relatives in Haiti, ֲýmembers must reach out to them in creative ways.  The ֲýFoundation can be of assistance to those ֲýmembers as they strive to increase their capacity to respond to the unique, disaster-related needs of these clients. This might be through developing materials and other contact resources.

To contribute through the ֲýFoundation select “Counselors Care Fund (Haiti Relief)” on our secure donation form when asked where you wish for your gift to be applied.

Taking Care of your Emotional Health After a Disaster (Red Cross Resource)

English Version (PDF)
Haitian-Creole Version (PDF)

Additional ways to make a difference

If you wish to make a donation to the Red Cross to assist with relief efforts, you can text the word "Haiti" to 90999 from any cell phone. The Red Cross will automatically receive a donation of $10, which will be charged to your cell phone bill, as promoted by the .

ABC News has compiled a listing of organizations accepting donations. Please to view.