
News Release from CRCC & CORE

May 29, 2008


The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) and the Council On Rehabilitation Education (CORE) Announce Their Partnership to Advance State Licensure and Educational Standards for Rehabilitation Counseling.

CRCC and CORE have formed a partnership to advance the interests of the rehabilitation counseling community by advocating the recognition of rehabilitation counseling in the state laws and regulations governing the licensure requirements for professional counselors. This partnership unites two organizations focused on rehabilitation counseling services that are committed to improving training, education, and certification that reflects current professional practice.

CORE and CRCC understand that rehabilitation counseling is a dynamic profession that is constantly evolving. Consequently, CRCC's certification and certification renewal program requires designation holders to demonstrate their professional development. The certification process is based on a job analysis updated every five years to ensure that it reflects the current practice of rehabilitation counseling. Similarly CORE assesses each new Master's degree rehabilitation counselor education program and periodically reviews accredited programs to ensure that they remain in compliance. On this basis, CORE and CRCC united in their efforts to promote rehabilitation counseling services in the states.

State Outreach
CORE and CRCC are currently engaged in a nationwide effort to educate and inform state legislatures and regulators about the benefits of specially trained and certified rehabilitation counselors. By responding to ongoing rulemaking and through proactive engagement with state regulatory agencies and professional boards, CORE and CRCC seek to ensure regulators understand that services provided to individuals with disabilities are an important part of the counseling profession.

Local Practitioners
Key to the success of this partnership is the effort to reach out to local practitioners and professionals. CRCC and CORE are providing support, informational materials, direction, and strategies necessary for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) to participate and inform their local professional boards. Educating legislators and regulatory officials about the role of CRCs in the local counseling community is crucial to maintaining and increasing access for individuals with disabilities.

Join the Effort
Both CRCC and CORE are pleased to provide support to CRCs, students, and others engaged in rehabilitation counseling services through this partnership. Members of the rehabilitation counseling community are encouraged to get involved with their state officials to improve service and access to the community. Individuals are encouraged to contact CRCC and CORE at: legislation@foundrehab.org.