
House Passes Resolution Recognizing "Mental Health Month"

May 21, 2008

Over the last several weeks, Capitol Hill has been the setting of several mental health briefings and events in observance of May as "Mental Health Month." On May 14th, the House of Representatives passed by a vote of 421-0 House Resolution (HRes.) 1134 supporting the goals and ideals of "Mental Health Month."

With 148 cosponsors, HRes 1134, expresses support for: (1) the goals and ideals of Mental Health Month; and (2) the findings of the President's Commission on Mental Health that the nation's failure to prioritize mental health is a national tragedy. The resolution details many of the nation's mental health problems, stating that 1 in 5 children has a diagnosable mental disorder, that 32,000 individuals committed suicide last year, and that untreated mental illness costs the U.S. economy $150 billion annually. Congress has committed itself to the goals of mental health month and seeks to "emphasize scientific facts and finding regarding mental health" in order to reduce stigma. The resolution also applauds the work of mental health organizations and encourages other organizations and health practitioners to get involved in mental health issues. While the resolution has no substantial effect on policy, it does show that the federal government is beginning to embrace the need for mental health reform.