
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program Applicant Information Bulletin Released

Mar 7, 2008

Last week the Department of Health and Human Services published its 2008 National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program information bulletin. The National Health Service Corps is a competitive program that recruits health professionals to serve in areas with inadequate access to health care (referred to as Health Professional Shortage Areas?HSPAs). In return for their service, the corps assists clinicians in their payment of qualifying education loans. To be eligible, counselors must be fully trained, licensed and working at (or in the final stages of employment negotiations with) an NHSC-eligible facility. For more information, and to view the information bulletin and download the forms required for applying for a NHSC position, go to .

The agency will set up an online application. No application deadline has yet been set, and the deadline will be no sooner than 30 days after the online application is published. Counselors who wish to be notified when the online application is available can sign up for e-mail notification .

The "opportunities list" of facilities seeking a NHSC provider is available in a downloadable spreadsheet online at . Click on the link for "All National Health Service Corps Opportunities," and look for entries with "LPC" in the "discipline" column of the spreadsheet.