
US Department of Education Call for Grant Proposal Reviewers

Feb 7, 2008

Several departments of the federal government have put out a call for peer reviewers for grant programs relevant to counseling in the schools. Reviewers are needed for the Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Grants Program and the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grants, a process that is performed online and through a series of conference calls. Practicing counselors, supervisors and counselor educators are encouraged to apply for these compensated positions.

Interested readers should send an email indicating interest and a current resume to the 2008 peer review contractor, Federal Business Services and the appropriate program officer(s) identified below:

Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program-Send email and resume to: osdfs@fbs-dc.com and Loretta.McDaniel@ed.gov

Safe Schools/Health Students Program-Send email and resume to: osdfs@fbs-dc.com and Jane.Hodgson@ed.gov.