
Counselor Education in the 21st Century: Issues and Experience

edited by Jane E. Atieno Okech and Deborah J. Rubel

Counselor Education in the 21st Century: Issues and Experience
This distinctive text provides master's- and doctoral-level students, as well as new professionals, with a thorough exploration of the range of responsibilities, working conditions, roles, evaluation criteria, benefits, and challenges experienced by counselor educators. Each chapter focuses on a key aspect of the field, including teaching; supervision; mentoring; gatekeeping; research and grant writing; tenure; adjunct, part-time, and nontenured positions; program administration; leadership; and collegiality and wellness. Case vignettes and personal narratives from counselor educators are engaging and informative, and literature reviews are useful for introducing students to the material covered.

Tags: Career Development, Ethics, Legal, Healthcare Regulation & Compliance, Licensure, Professional Counseling, Professional Development