
Clinical Military Counseling: Guidelines for Practice

Mark A. Stebnicki

Clinical Military Counseling: Guidelines for Practice
Clinical Military Counseling provides current research and ethical practice guidelines for the assessment, diagnosis, and mental health treatment of active-duty service members, veterans, and military families in a 21st-century multicultural environment. Author Mark Stebnicki discusses contemporary military culture; the medical and psychosocial aspects of military health, including the neuroscience of military stress and trauma; suicide; chronic illnesses and disability; and blast and traumatic brain injuries. In addition, he offers integrative approaches to healing the mind, body, and spirit of service members and veterans dealing with clinical issues, such as spirituality, moral injury, and trauma; complex posttraumatic stress disorder and co-occurring mental health conditions; the stresses of the deployment cycle; and military career transitions.

Tags: Cultural Identities, Multiculturalism & Diversity, Military & Veterans